Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A new friend and her lemons!

I recieved a wonderful gift in my email yesturday from Jenny at http://jennymatlock.blogspot.com/!  She sent me detailed directions and pictures of an Airstream ornament her family made one year!  I will be attempting to get my dh to give a try at this sometime, so hopefully I can share.

In the meantime, as a special thank-you - I'd like to ask you all to check out her lemon giveaway here.  Yes she is giving away a box of lemons fresh off her tree to you and someone you know today!  If you are like me and stuck in the Midwest or love fresh lemons  through the upcoming snowstorm - you have got to sign up for this piece of Sunshine in a box!!  She even has wonderful Christmas music too!

1 comment:

  1. Fresh lemons are wonderful, unless they're on wheels! :)

    The last time we had them was from a nephew in St. Petersberg, FL. We took a case of mixed citrus along from their back yard grove and spent the night in Austell, GA. Janet & Dick met us there the next morning. We discovered that the fruit (in the back of your Suburban) had been partially frozen overnight on their coldest night of the year. We ate as much as we could as fast as we could and it was still excellent.

    Uncle Bill and Aunt Mary
